The number of domestic passengers departing from Sumatera Utara via Kualanamu International Airport during September 2023 decreased by 8.90 percent compared to August 2023. DOWNLOAD PRESS RELEASE Released Schedule : 2023-11-01 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pakpak Bharat Regency

Untuk mendapatkan data BPS silahkan datang ke Pelayanan Statistik Terpadu BPS Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat, Kompleks Panorama Indah Sindeka setiap hari kerja mulai pukul 08:00 s.d 15:30 WIB

The number of domestic passengers departing from Sumatera Utara via Kualanamu International Airport during September 2023 decreased by 8.90 percent compared to August 2023. DOWNLOAD PRESS RELEASE Released Schedule : 2023-11-01

Release Date : November 1, 2023
File Size : 2.78 MB


  • The number of domestic passengers coming to Sumatera Utara through Kualanamu International Airport in September 2023 reached 203,850 people, or down 5.52 percent compared to the previous month of 215,767 people.
  • The number of air transport passengers to foreign destinations, both using national and foreign flights, in September 2023 decreased by 1.73 percent compared to August 2023, namely from 76,590 people to 75,268 people.
  • The number of inter-island (domestic) sea transportation passengers departing from Belawan Harbor in September 2023 was recorded at 2,216 people, down 79.31 percent compared to the previous month of 10,709 people, while the number of passengers arriving in September 2023 was recorded at 1,900 people, or down 78.34 percent compared to the previous month of 8,772 people.
  • During September 2023, inter-island goods transportation for loading activities amounted to 33,548 tonnes, or an increase of 391.76 percent compared to August 2023 of 6,822 tonnes.
  • Goods unloading activities in September 2023 increased 10.18 percent, from 455,316 tons in August 2023 to 501,659 tons in September 2023.
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