December 2023, Sumatera Utara's exports will experience a decline amounting to 12.94 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pakpak Bharat Regency

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December 2023, Sumatera Utara's exports will experience a decline amounting to 12.94 percent

Release Date : February 1, 2024
File Size : 1.8 MB


  • The value of exports through loading ports in the Sumatera Utara region in December 2023 decreased compared to November 2023, namely from US$883.86 million to US$769.48 million or a decrease of 12.94 percent. When compared with December 2022, North Sumatra's exports decreased by 8.65 percent
  • The category of goods that experienced the largest decline in export value in December 2023 compared to November 2023 was animal/vegetable fats and oils, namely a decrease of US$ 85.37 million (-22.29%), while the category of goods that experienced the largest increase in export value was the dregs/ the remaining food industry amounted to US$17.32 million (35.59%).
  • Exports to China in December 2023 were the largest, namely US$165.23 million, followed by the United States at US$124.42 million and Japan at US$39.10 million with the contribution of the three reaching 42.72 percent.
  • According to the group of main export destination countries in December 2023, exports to the Asian region (outside ASEAN) were the largest with a value of US$293.45 million (38.14%)
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