The exchange rate for farmers in Sumatera Utara Province in December 2024 was 146.97 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pakpak Bharat Regency

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The exchange rate for farmers in Sumatera Utara Province in December 2024 was 146.97

Release Date : January 2, 2025
File Size : 1.65 MB


  • In December 2024, the NTP of North Sumatra Province (2018=100) was recorded at 146.97 or an increase of 0.82 percent compared to the NTP in November 2024, which was 145.77.
  • The increase in the NTP in December 2024 was due to an increase in the NTP of four subsectors, namely the NTP of the Horticulture subsector by 3.21 percent, the NTP of the Smallholder Plantation Crops subsector by 1.24 percent, the NTP of the Livestock subsector by 0.40 percent, and the NTP of the Fisheries subsector by 0.07 percent. Meanwhile, the NTP of the Food Crops subsector decreased by 0.93 percent.
  • The Agricultural Household Business Exchange Rate (NTUP) of North Sumatra Province in December 2024 was 146.98 or an increase of 1.72 percent compared to the NTUP of the previous month.
  • The Rice Producer Price Survey in North Sumatra in December recorded 107 observations of rice sales transactions in 13 selected regencies with the largest composition dominated by Harvested Dry Rice (GKP) with 63 observations (58.88%), followed by Milled Dry Rice (GKG) with 23 observations (21.50%), and Out-of-Quality Rice with 21 observations (19.63%).
  • At the farmer level in December, the highest rice price of IDR 7,292 per kg came from GKG quality rice of the IR 46 variety in Toba Regency. While the lowest price of IDR 5,100 per kg came from GKP quality rice of the Inpari 32 variety in Simalungun Regency.
  • At the milling level in December, the highest rice price of IDR 7,392 per kg came from GKG quality rice of the IR 46 variety in Toba Regency. While the lowest price of IDR 5,150 per kg came from GKP quality rice of the Inpari 32 variety in Simalungun Regency. 
  • The average price of grain in the Dry Milled Grain (GKG) quality group at the farmer level increased by 5.21 percent from IDR6,589 per kg in November to IDR6,932 per kg in December. The Harvested Dry Grain (GKP) quality group also increased by 0.37 percent from the previous month, from IDR5,740 per kg to IDR5,761 per kg.
  • The average price of grain in the Dry Milled Grain (GKG) quality group at the milling level increased by 6.45 percent from IDR6,717 per kg in November to IDR7,150 per kg in December. The Harvested Dry Grain (GKP) quality group also increased by 0.23 percent from the previous month, from IDR5,896 per kg to IDR5,909 per kg.
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