July 2024 Year-on-Year (y-on-y) inflation in Sumatera Utara Province was 2.06 percent - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Pakpak Bharat Regency

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July 2024 Year-on-Year (y-on-y) inflation in Sumatera Utara Province was 2.06 percent

Release Date : August 1, 2024
File Size : 2.26 MB


  • In July 2024, year-on-year (y-on-y) inflation in Sumatera Utara Province was 2.06 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 105.87. The highest inflation occurred in Padangsidimpuan City at 2.80 percent with a CPI of 107.08 and the lowest occurred in Labuhanbatu Regency at 1.22 percent with a CPI of 108.36.
  • The y-on-y inflation occurred due to an increase in prices indicated by an increase in the index of most expenditure groups, namely: food, beverages and tobacco group by 3.63 percent; clothing and footwear group by 2.44 percent; housing, water, electricity and household fuel group by 0.46 percent; household equipment, tools and routine maintenance group by 0.75 percent; health group by 1.47 percent; transportation group by 0.43 percent; recreation, sports and culture group by 0.87 percent; education group by 1.64 percent; food and beverage/restaurant provision group by 1.24 percent; and personal care and other services group by 4.91 percent. Meanwhile, the information, communication, and financial services group experienced deflation by 0.08 percent.
  • The month-to-month (m-to-m) deflation rate was 0.82 percent and the year-to-date (y-to-d) inflation rate was 0.81 percent.
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